Located directly above the original Heilwood Company Store, this large frame building would house the livestock of the Possum Glory Coal & Coke Company, and provide travelers a place to have their horse and wagon taken care of while in town. In addition, a person could rent a “rig” for a leisurely ride!

The livery stable (circa 1908), near the present location of the brick residence/supply house. This building was replaced in 1910 by the barn built adjacent to the Heilwood Inn.
County court records indicate that it was also the official polling place for the town in April 1906. An interesting note taken from a May 13, 1907 letter from an insurance company to the superintendent relates that due to the “nature of the character” that “hangs out around a livery,” insurance on the building would be at a premium unless the company could give the insurance company an assurance that it would only be utilized as a “company livery.”