American Legion Post #936

Original "garrison cap" from the Heilwood American Legion Post #936 (circa 1946)

Original “garrison cap” from the Heilwood American Legion Post #936 (circa 1946)

Heilwood American Legion flag

Heilwood American Legion flag

Heilwood American Legion Post #936 Charter and listing of charter members (dated November 16, 1946)

Heilwood American Legion Post #936 Charter and listing of charter members (dated November 16, 1946) Heilwood American Legion Post #936 Charter and listing of charter members (dated November 16, 1946)

Heilwood American Legion Auxiliary Charter 1949

Heilwood American Legion Auxiliary Charter 1949

On November 16, 1946, the first new American Legion Post to be chartered in Indiana County since the end of World War II was established in Heilwood (click here for a list of charter members).

Lawrence Redding, Commander of the American Legion’s 27th District, installed the new officers of Heilwood Post #936 and presented the newly-elected Commander, Harry McCardle, with the charter. Sixty-four members were included in the charter (see photos).

The other officers of the post were: Joseph Tomasko (Senior Vice Commander); George Turko (Adjutant) ; Roy Ganoe (Finance Officer); Frank Salley (Chaplain); Emelio Bassaro (Historian); and George Lusnak (Sergeant at Arms).

The newly created post received permission from the Pine Township School Directors to conduct their meetings in the high school until their new building could be constructed.

As part of their fundraising, the newly formed post began sponsoring games every Thursday evening at 8:00 in the Heilwood Clubrooms on the second floor of the company store building. The public was cordially invited to attend.

In April 1948, the Monroe Coal Company sold .34 acres of land directly below the Barber Shop for $100 to the American Legion Post # 936 of Heilwood. The American Legion building was constructed on this site (see photo).


By-laws of the women's auxiliary to the Heilwood post of the American Legion.

By-laws of the women’s auxiliary to the Heilwood post of the American Legion.

Within a year of the purchase of the land, a women’s auxiliary was formed. On March 25, 1949 the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Harry McCardle; First Vice President, Mrs. Gertrude Murray; Second Vice President, Mrs. Joseph Tomasko; Secretary, Mrs. E. Gordon Davis; Treasurer, Mrs. John Patterson; Historian, Mrs. Robert Grumbling; Chaplain, Miss Sue Bassaro; Sgt. at Arms-1st, Mrs. William Leis; and Sgt. at Arms-2nd, Mrs Joseph Mance.

Heilwood American Legion Post #936 building

Heilwood American Legion Post #936 building

Heilwood American Legion building in 2012

Heilwood American Legion building in 2012