Several brief newspaper articles from December 1915 and January 1916 suggest that Jim Donahue organized a bowling club with six teams, which bowled three games a week. At the end of 15 weeks, the team with the best average was to be awarded a prize. However, more complete information about this organization has yet to be found.
In a recently discovered article in The Indiana Gazette (February 23, 1924), it appears that there was a competitive spirit between miners from the different portals. This is evidenced by a contest between the #2 Mine and the #8 Mine employees.
The #2 team was represented by the following: H. Dossi; P. Donahue; E. Croyle; M. Thomas; R. Hart.
The #8 team was represented by the following: S. Terassi; J. Salley; K. Butler; S. Johns; C. Barndollar; D. Salley.
The #2 team defeated the #8 team by a total of 165 pins, and the members of the winning team were treated to a turkey supper – provided by the members of the losing #8 team members.
The contest took place in the Heilwood Town Hall and involved the use of duck pins.
No additional information on any other contests could be located.
Although no records from this era indicate an organized league, it’s quite possible that Heilwood had an organized bowling team. There is a mention in the April 28, 1930 issue of The Indiana Gazette that the Heilwood bowlers defeated Barnesboro by a score of 2126-2075, over three games.
The following players were bowling for Heilwood that day: J. A. Donahue; F. Ganoe; B. Judy; C. Ratay; and J. Ratay. In all likelihood, this bowling match involved the use of duck pins.
No other records can be located to indicate other matches, but it’s quite possible that as with tennis, Heilwood participated in team play against various teams in the Cambria County area, and that these matches were either unreported or not published.